🍫Order NOW - Pureed Chocolate Easter Eggs✨
🍫 Order NOW - Pureed Chocolate Easter Eggs. Bring the joy of Easter to everyone, no matter their texture needs ✨

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A New Demoulding Machine at TCF

It may have taken its time, but we are super-excited to announce that after a couple of false starts, a few run-up tests, and a healthy investment…our new demoulding machine has arrived into the TCF kitchen and is making co-owner Darren Benfell and our entire packing team extra happy in 2023!

Moulded Texture Modified Products

Our texture modified products are moulded so we can deliver a superior visual appeal and portion control to dysphagia diners. We’re proud that each and every product we produce in our factory can be easily identified on the plate for people on dysphagia diets at home or in healthcare settings.

Demoulding Machine Efficiency

With the arrival of our new demoulding machine, the demoulding steps in our texture modified production process are now more efficient allowing our packing team to complete their process faster.

The machine can demould approximately 240 moulds/hour at a medium pace with the option of multiple tools allowing the demoulding team to use the machine with various sized moulds.

New demoulding machine

With the demoulding machine being bench height, it’s easy to move around. The added bonus is having all internal parts of the demoulding machine able to be disassembled for cleaning in the commercial dishwasher.

It’s a happy start to 2023

The demoulding machine means we’re off to a great start for a BIG and BOLD 2023 for our production team. Happy demoulding!